Package org.harctoolbox.girr
package org.harctoolbox.girr
ClassDescriptionThis class bundles a some of administrative data together.This class models the command in Girr.An implementation of this interface describes a way to format an IrSignal to a text string.This describes which representation of a Command constitutes the master, from which the other representations are derived.A CommandSet is a set of Commands with unique names.Exception for errors in Girr.This interface describes something that has a name, using the usual semantics.Class containing a Comparator implementing standard alphabetical, case insensitive order.Class containing a Comparator implementing standard alphabetical, case sensitive order.This class describes a remote in Girr.This class bundles different meta data for a remote together.This class contains a map of Remotes, indexed by their names.This class contains version and license information and constants.Abstract base class for Girr classes exporting XML.Static constants and helper functions for XML export.