Infrared4Arduino 1.2.3
CATmega2560 | |
CATmega328P | |
CATmega32U4 | |
CATmega4809 | |
CBoard | This class serves as an HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) |
CDue | |
CEsp32 | |
CHashDecoder | A decoder class using FNV-1 hashes of length 32 |
CIrDecoder | Abstract base class for all decoder classes |
CIrReader | Abstract base class for all IR readers, capturing or receiving |
CIrReceiver | Abstract base class for demodulating IR receivers |
CIrReceiverPoll | An implementation of IrReceiver using polling of the input pin |
CIrReceiverSampler | This receiving class samples the input pin every 50 microseconds using a timer interrupt |
CIrSender | Abstract base class for all sending classes |
CIrSenderNonMod | IrSender implementation without modulation, selectively with inverted output |
CIrSenderPwm | Sending function using timer PWM |
CIrSenderPwmHard | Sending function using timer PWM |
CIrSenderPwmSoft | Sending function using timer PWM |
CIrSenderPwmSoftDelay | Sending function using timer PWM |
CIrSenderPwmSpinWait | This sender class generates the modulation in software, using spin wait |
CIrSenderSimulator | Simulates sending in the sense that it prints the IrSequences on the Stream given as argument |
CIrSequence | This class consists of a vector of durations |
CIrSequenceReader | This class packs an IrSequence into a dummy, immutable IrReader |
CIrSignal | This class models an IR signal with intro-, repeat-, and ending sequences |
CIrWidget | Base class for classes based upon ICP pins capture |
CIrWidgetAggregating | This class implements the IrWidget |
CMultiDecoder | A preliminary multi protocol decoder |
CNec1Decoder | A decoder class for NEC1 signals |
CNec1Renderer | A static class consisting of two functions that generate IrSignal-s from the NEC1 protocol parameters |
CNoBoard | |
CPronto | Static class consisting of functions for parsing a Pronto Hex string (like 0000 006C 0022 0002 015B 00AD ...) into an IrSignal, and vice versa |
CRc5Decoder | A decoder class for RC5 signals |
CRc5Renderer | A static class consisting of two functions that generate IrSignal-s from the RC5 protocol parameters |
CSam | |
CTeensy3x |