Infrared4Arduino 1.2.3
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBoardThis class serves as an HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
 CIrDecoderAbstract base class for all decoder classes
 CHashDecoderA decoder class using FNV-1 hashes of length 32
 CMultiDecoderA preliminary multi protocol decoder
 CNec1DecoderA decoder class for NEC1 signals
 CRc5DecoderA decoder class for RC5 signals
 CIrReaderAbstract base class for all IR readers, capturing or receiving
 CIrReceiverAbstract base class for demodulating IR receivers
 CIrReceiverPollAn implementation of IrReceiver using polling of the input pin
 CIrReceiverSamplerThis receiving class samples the input pin every 50 microseconds using a timer interrupt
 CIrSequenceReaderThis class packs an IrSequence into a dummy, immutable IrReader
 CIrWidgetBase class for classes based upon ICP pins capture
 CIrWidgetAggregatingThis class implements the IrWidget
 CIrSenderAbstract base class for all sending classes
 CIrSenderNonModIrSender implementation without modulation, selectively with inverted output
 CIrSenderPwmSending function using timer PWM
 CIrSenderPwmHardSending function using timer PWM
 CIrSenderPwmSoftSending function using timer PWM
 CIrSenderPwmSoftDelaySending function using timer PWM
 CIrSenderPwmSpinWaitThis sender class generates the modulation in software, using spin wait
 CIrSenderSimulatorSimulates sending in the sense that it prints the IrSequences on the Stream given as argument
 CIrSequenceThis class consists of a vector of durations
 CIrSignalThis class models an IR signal with intro-, repeat-, and ending sequences
 CNec1RendererA static class consisting of two functions that generate IrSignal-s from the NEC1 protocol parameters
 CProntoStatic class consisting of functions for parsing a Pronto Hex string (like 0000 006C 0022 0002 015B 00AD ...) into an IrSignal, and vice versa
 CRc5RendererA static class consisting of two functions that generate IrSignal-s from the RC5 protocol parameters