Interface IImporter

All Known Subinterfaces:
ICommandImporter, IModulatedIrSequenceImporter, IRemoteSetImporter
All Known Implementing Classes:
CcfImporter, CmlImporter, CommandFusionImporter, ControlTowerIrDatabase, CsvImporter, CsvParametrizedImporter, CsvRawImporter, FlipperImporter, GirrImporter, IctImporter, IrTransImporter, LircImporter, Mode2Importer, RawLineImporter, RemoteLocatorImporter, RemoteSetImporter, WaveImporter, XcfImporter

public interface IImporter
This interface models a class that can import something, commands or a sequence.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details

    • getFormatName

      String getFormatName()
      Name of the importer. May contain spaces and other "funny" characters. Should be one word, and not end with "Importer" or such.