7 stream.print(F(
"IrSenderSimulator: "));
14 irSequence.
int8_t dutycycle_t
Type for duty cycle in percent.
uint32_t frequency_t
Type for modulation frequency in Hz.
void send(const IrSequence &irSequence, frequency_t frequency=IrSignal::defaultFrequency, dutycycle_t dutyCycle=Board::defaultDutyCycle)
Sends an IrSequence with the prescribed frequency.
This class consists of a vector of durations.
void dump(Stream &stream, bool usingSigns=false) const
Prints the IrSequence on the stream provided.
bool dumpDutyCycle(Stream &stream) const
If the duty cycle is sensible, print it to the stream and return true.
bool dumpFrequency(Stream &stream) const
If the frequency is sensible, print it to the stream and return true.