All Classes and Interfaces
The mandatory about popup ;-).
Class for setting and resetting busy cursor of a java.awt.Window.
Class for importing Pronto CCF files of the first generation.
This class is a helper for C exporters.
This class imports CML files.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class imports CommandFusion files.
This class is a general purpose console.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class is a RemoteSetExporter that dynamically takes its content from the contents of a configuration file,
or a directory of such.
Main routine to invoke and validate dynamic export formats.
This exception is thrown when the user makes a silly selection.
This class is a common base class of all the exporters.
Static support functions intended to be called from XSLT transformations.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class extends the Importer with file load functions.
Importer for Flipper IR files, as defined in
Carries no name of the remote.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class imports Girr files.
This class runs a AmxBeaconListener for GlobalCache's in a thread.
This is a superclass of all the hardware managing beans.
This class abstracts a number of lower-level hardware exceptions-
A class for help popups.
This interface models a class that can import a number of IR signals.
This class allows for the creation of rendered IR signals in the ICT Format, used by the IRScope.
This class models reading from a file, but not a stream (Reader), or from a data base.
This interface models a class that can import something, commands or a sequence.
This interface models a class that can import a single ModulatedIrSequence.
This class implements functionality common to importers.
This class produces, through its iterator, the "Cartesian product" of its VariableSetList's.
This class models reading from either a file or a stream (Reader), but not from a data base.
This interface models a class that can import a number of IR signals.
A plotter class, specialized for plotting IR signals.
This class decodes command line parameters and fires up the GUI.
This class imports IrTrans files.
This class bundles input arguments together.
This class is basically a wrapper around Jirc.
This class allows for manipulation of the Look and feel of a Window.
Allows for error reporting function and a set-property function of the caller.
This class imports Lirc's mode2 files.
A tool for sending commands to IR senders using named commands (IRemoteCommandIrSender).
This Exception is thrown when a selection is needed, but none exist.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class handles the properties of the program, saved to a file between program invocations.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class extends the Importer with file/reader load functions.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class packs a number of file selectors.
This class does something interesting and useful.
This class formats an IrSignal as a short form CCF format, if possible.
This class bundles input arguments together.
This class is intended for a final error message.
This class does something interesting and useful.
Despite being a Java Bean, this is not really intended to be a recyclable component, it is just to be used in IrScrutinizer.
This class extends JTextArea with an undo function.
A value set is either an single value or a way
of generating repetitions.
This class bundles input arguments together.
This class contains version and license information and constants.
This class exports a (single) Command to a wave file.
This class wraps the IrpMaster Wave class to an importer.
Class for importing Pronto XCF files, "Pronto Professional".